
Title: Petri Dishes
Date: January 2009
Dimensions: 3 1/4" Diameter
Media: Sharpie markers


  1. hey g,
    your drawings have a nice flow. they make me think of the ocean and sea life. is this intuitive doodling or were you inspired by some images in particular?

  2. When I received the nacre coasters, I thought it was thoughtful of the sender to make it as easy as possible to make art out of them! Yes, I was thinking about microscopic marine-like forms...nacre being from the sea and the shape looking like a petri I scuba-dived into that realm. Fun excuse to get high on Sharpie markers, too (it's weird that they claim to be non-toxic, but I hope they are).

  3. i'm glad to see these. i did a petri dish painting once, perhaps the ugliest thing i've made. now i can erase it from my head with something interesting.
